Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"i tell everyone that we are through 'cause
i'm so much better than you but it's just another pretty lie,
'cause i break down everytime you come around."

And here we go again...with all the things you said and not a minute spent to think that we'd regret.
So we just take it back, these words and hold our breath, forget the things we swore we meant.

I'll write you just to let you know that I'm alright
Can't say I'm sad to see you go
Cause I'm not. Well, I'm not.

And here we go again... with all the things we did and now I'm wondering just who would I have been
to be the one attached at all time to your hip? forget the things we swore we meant.

it's amazing how in an instant the most important thing in the world to you disappears. the promises you made are forgotten and nothing matters anymore. love does not conquer all. love is complete and utter bullshit.

i gave you my heart and body and you threw it away like it wasn't that important to you to begin with. i changed myself, broke my morals, and gave you everything and all you can say is "i don't know anymore." my heart can't take this bull shit anymore. i give and i give and all i get in return is nothing. just get fucked over. you can't even help me overcome my fears all you can do is worsen them. i can't sleep. i don't want to eat. i might as well drink myself away to the point where i'm numb.

this pain doesn't hurt as much as it did before. i know how this goes. so all your pictures are gone and the gifts you bought me are destroyed. what's the point in holding on to something that never mattered? i'm back to my old habits and i'm not turning back. if i'm going to give love another chance then you better damn sure fight for me because i'm done. never again. you've failed me twice love... you've failed my family... why should i give you a third chance?