Thursday, May 27, 2010

547 Days Ago

"I'm just lying here in the hospital and felt so compelled to finally write you a note sweetheart and what a more appropriate place would there be to do so than on your ipod :) I have such a hard time saying what i'm about to say to you through words. Lately I have been feeling as though I am incapable of being the boyfriend that I should be. You have given me the world and all I have brought to you in return is heartache and greif and for that I am eternally apologetic although I don't show it. I haven't really been able to convey my emotions as of lately. I've been putting up this front in which I come off as someone void of emotion and compassion and I'm trying to change. I've just been going through a lot recently and I think no wait, I know that you deserve to be made to feel like the beautiful soul that you truly are but perhaps more importantly you deserve to be shown the same unconditional love that you show me each and every day. When I tell you that my feelings have not changed for you and that I've never stopped loving you I mean it. It is now from here on out my job to prove it to you. You have done so much for me and I will never take those things for granted as long as I live. I appreciate you and I love you more than any words could ever describe now and forever. I will never take you for granted katy. I messed up and still you forgave me. God I don't deserve you but I still have you and I'm not giving up. We will learn from each other and we will work through our individual shortcomings and our differences because love really does conquer all and my love for you will never cease to exist. I don't give a damn what anyone says or thinks about us. Don't be scared or insecure because at the end of the day you still have me and you will."

the most romantic thing anyone has ever written me. I found my ipod the other day and this was on it...

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