Monday, July 6, 2009


"I can't keep myself from doing something stupid.
I think I'm really falling for his smile."

Heart, mind, body, soul.
Which do I follow?
Yes, no, maybe.
Which do I say?

I know better, oh god do I know better. Yet his eyes keep pulling me
further and further away from where I want to be. Delusions are a
struggle and I can't decide what is real and what is not.
All I know is that in my heart - I need you
In my mind - You're nothing
In my body - I want you
In my soul - We are nothing.

Knowing better isn't strong enough. It doesn't pull your heart away from making stupid decisions like the time when I cried because I didn't hear from you or the time that I drove two hours just to be with you. Then there was that time when I let you kiss me and the time when I gave my heart away so easily. You don't deserve to have it, no you don't deserve to have it.

Your heart holds the strongest emotion. It controls your mind, body, and soul. Don't let it. For the strongest person in the world is the one who can tell their heart to fuck off and listen to their mind and soul.

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