"did i ask you for attention when affection is what i need?
thinking sorrow is perfection, i would wallow 'til you told me"
It's amazing how one scent, one sound, even the weather, can bring back so many memories. Each one instantly touches your heart and your mind, bringing you back to a significant point in your life where everything was built to perfection.
A scent will fill your nose and give you goosebumps down your arms. It flows through your head and your bloodstream to your heart, which is now beating faster then it ever has before. The memory consumes your thoughts and leaves a smile upon your lips.
A sound will instantly fill your head and cause your heart to race. Your mind wonders, asking questions, causing nervous habits to arise. There may be a pain in your heart at first because you'll think the sound is real, but it's not. Then in an instant, you'll be brought back to those memories and feel an undeniable relief.
The weather causes so many feelings, thoughts, and emotions that your whole body goes crazy. The sun beaming down on your face brings about a surreal happiness that absorbs into your skin, sinking into your heart. The wind twirls around your body and sends chills up your spine, causing your heart to jump. It dances with your heart and the images playing in your mind seem like they were built to perfection.
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